Summer Stinger: Hornet
Hornets are closely related to yellow jackets, even resembling them. In tropical Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America, there are about 20 hornet species.
During the winter, hornets will abandon their nests. Only new queens – and their eggs – survive winter by finding areas under tree bark or inside our homes. Once spring comes around, the queen will begin a new nest. The eggs hatch and become the workers in the hive. She will continue to reproduce more workers and, before she dies, will breed a new generation of queens and males to continue on the cycle.
Their hives are created by the hornet chewing wood into a papery pulp. In the hive, hornets mature from egg to adulthood. The queen dominates the hive and are the only females to reproduce. The other females are workers that will do things such as building the hive, feeding the young, and protecting the colony. There are very few males and have one role to fulfill – mating with the queen to expand the colony. They will typically die after doing so.
Hornets don’t normally sting humans unless they’re provoked. Some people are allergic to their venom, though, and it can lead to a dangerous reaction. They’re very aggressive when defending their hives.
If you’re worried you see hornets or their hives near your home, it’s important to call your local pest control immediately. It’s best to not self treat to reduce the risk of injuring yourself or others. Call ABBS PC, your hometown pest control, today at 405-582-2114 or visit our website to protect yourself against hornets today.